Workplace Deviance shared by Richard Motet of Business Psychology

Workplace Deviance

Shared on the South Africans in New Zealand site by Richard Motet.

Contact Richard Motet

Phone: 021 343 535


\"image-for-south-african-site\"Workplace deviance is voluntary behaviour that violates organisational policies and rules, and in doing so, threatens both the well-being of the business and their colleagues. The financial cost associated with such behavior is significant. The annual cost of workplace deviance on the US economy has been estimated to be as high as US$4.2 billion for workplace violence alone, US$40 to US$120 billion for theft, and up to US$200 billion for delinquent behaviour. As in New Zealand, there is a significant under-reporting of incidents.

It has been identified that 75% of employees have reportedly stolen from their employer at least once. Estimates also indicate that 33% to 75% of all employees have engaged in behaviours such as:


• Unnecessary absence

• Coming to work late and leaving early

• Starting negative rumours about the company

• Taking excessive breaks

• Covering up mistakes

• Not complying with HSE

• Intentionally working slowly

• Work unnecessary overtime

• Misusing telephones, email, internet and post

• Intentional error making

• Sabotaging merchandise and equipment

• Misusing expense account and/or petty cash

• Verbal abuse of customers

• Fraud

• Theft

• Blaming others for mistakes

• Abusive behaviour and bullying

• Gossiping

• Aggression

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