View DStv In New Zealand

View DStv In New Zealand
Your Business Short Description
I provide assistance for SA expats abroad to view certain DStv channels abroad, channels such as M-Net, M-Net movies, and Supersport, and others are now able to be viewed outside South Africa.
Your Business Long Description
This is something I do on the side, I was actually encouraged by the wider SA expat community to start doing this, what I do is I provide assistance remotely, for SA expats to view live DStv.
What is Your Connection with South African Community? (required)
I am an ex-SA expat, who was based in Auckland, now back in Cape Town for 13 years, so I understand the homesickness, that one has to endure, when living so far away from home.
Website Address (required)
  • View DStv In New Zealand

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